Friday, May 29, 2015


I had another awesome day here in India.  This morning we got up at our usual time and went out to a colony about 45 minutes away.  It was a really small one and only saw about 7 patients, but these patients had enough personality to go around ha.  The colony leader Jayraj is a super funny, smiling guy who Dr. Lovling said loves to dance with the volunteers
after we finish.  True to form, he gave us this peptalk and went to town with his dancing.

He makes some really good points

I don't usually like dancing... like at all, but he managed to get me to 
teach him how to do the zombie and the robot, he killed it.

As you'll see by the upcoming photographs, Jayraj does an incredible job of really lifting the spirits of those he lives with.  Although they have been given some big disadvantages/setbacks in their lives, Jayraj does a really good job of bringing a little bit of light into their everyday... and that was really cool to see and be a part of.

We stopped by a cool temple on the way back and took some pics of the landscape and of the actual temple's architecture.

Then we came back to campus and kept up with our landscaping/gardening projects that we started yesterday.  We finished up planting around the Meditation Room and then they had us do some other landscaping stuff around campus.  I missed working with my hands and doing hard/heavy labor, so it was a nice opportunity despite the crazy heat.  Then while everyone else went to Coordinator Meetings, I finished up a book, had dinner and now I'm finishing off my day here blogging.  Enjoy the pics!

Jayraj's wife
Not all were amused by our dancing
But we finally got a smile out of her
Water break
Dr. Lovling and Jayraj's wife again

Indian Landscape

I think they burn incense here
Our little project we've been working on

I think I'll stick with American shovels

Chilling in the Elephant House after a day's work